Hesse Web Magazine
Information and Commentaries
Published at the University of California, Santa Barbara, since 1997. © All Rights Reserved
17 July 2001![]()
New Hesse Society in Nepal
"Recently a Hermann Hesse Society has been inaugurated in Nepal. The chief guest was the German Ambassador to Nepal, His Excellency Mr. Ruediger Lemp. The President of the society is Mr. Ramesh Adhikari.
The Society will develop literary ties between Nepal and Germany. The society will also work for translation of various books of Hermann Hesse, specially SIDDHARTHA into Nepali Language. It also has started working to translate Nepali Folk Lores into German Language.
If you can help the society by giving addresses of various Hermann Hesse Societies in Germany/Switzerland, then this new society in Nepal will be grateful to you. This will help the society to build up relations with other organizations having same interest and objective.
Thanking for you time and waiting to hear from you soon.
With best regards
Bijay D. Pant"Quelle: Bijay D. Pant, Nepal 8 August 2000New edition of The Glass Bead Game in Chinese
Übersetzt von Zhang Peifen
ISBN 7-5327-2189-2/I-1293
564 pp.Quelle: Volker Michels, Hesse Editionsarciv, Offenbach
12 July 2000Complete Listing of all recent
Hesse Translations
as licensed by Suhrkamp Publishers in Frankfurt a.M.- Germany
and as of July 2000
(pdf format with search function)Source: Claudia Ulrich, Frankfurt a.M.
13 January 2000"The Golden Autumn of Klingsor"
An annotated photo album
(In Italian - online)![]()
Scene from the 'Golden Hill' near Lugano
With the gracious permission of the photographer © Maurizio Montefiori"I am an amateur photographer and through the photography I
met Hesse. The photographer Will McBride published in the
'ZOOM' magazine how he decided to go to India with
the project of a photo-book with the story of Siddhartha.Subsequently I read most of the Hesse works.
Later on I was requested to cooperate for a book:
'The golden autumn of Klingsor'. His main target was to
investigate the relationship between the places where
the writer lives and his work. The places are within
the 'Golden Hill' near Lugano.Actually the book is sold-out and I have migrated it to
internet format. The text is in italian language, but
I could consider translating it to English."HHP: The photography is truly beautiful!
We recommend you visit the site.
The address is:
Source: From a letter to HHP by Maurizio Montefiori, 12 January 200012/14/99
Beads and Bytes
The Glass Bead Game and the Information AgeGroup Reading of The Glass Bead Game
starting January 3, 2000
Sponsored by the Hermann-Hesse-List
the Internet Discussion Forum affiliated with HHPDon Wentworth has kindly agreed to guide the discussion
Message from Don Wentworth Folks:
Our revised schedule for reading the Glass Bead Game is as follows, in
roughly hundred page sections:January 3-16 - Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2
January 17-30 - Chapters 4 & 5
January 31-Feb 13 - Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9
February 14-27 - Chapters 10, 11 & 12
February 28-March 12 - Poems and LivesSometime during the first reading period, Gunther will post a brief
introduction to the Glass Bead Game. Towards the end of each reading
period, we will prepare and then post some questions designed to promote
discussion and, of course, all members can post questions, points of view
etc. as we progress. The goal will be a lively discussion, a give and take,
and we should be free to persue threads as they appear.The schedule above is rough, we are in somewhat uncharted territory for this
list. It all depends on how much participation there is.
Hopefully, the above schedule will give everyone time to read the book at a
reasonable pace.best of holidays,
Don Wentworth
In order to participate, you will be asked to subscribe to Hesse-L(ist) at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Send a one-line message as follows: subscribe Hesse-L Your Name
to: LISTSERV@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDULater, it is just as easy to send the message: signoff Hesse-L, to the same address
Source: Gunther Gottschalk, UCSB9/20/99
Eugen Drewermann lectures at Drew University
November 16 & 17, 1999
Biblical Myth and Inner Experience:
Why Theology Needs Depth Psychology
Address: Drew University, 36 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ, 07940 Phone: 973/408-3000
Source: Matthias Beier, Drew University4/26/99
An Informal Virtual Tour of the Hermann Hesse Museum
in the Torre Camuzzi, Montagnola, Switzerland
can be found on the Hermann-Hesse Page HHP
Text in English and German
Michael Limberg's International Bibliography
for the year 1998
has just been placed on the Hermann-Hesse-Page (HHP)
This and the four preceding annual editions require the
Adobe Acrobat Reader
May 2, 1999
A Recital in Santa Barbara
featuring poems of
Hermann Hesse and Robert Frost
set to music by Adolph Kurt Böhm
and sung by baritone Andreas ReibenspiesSunday, May 2, 1999 at 3:00 pm
Unitarian Society, 1535 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, California
For more details click here
Adolph Kurt Böhm is a composer and pianist whose repertoire includes lyrical and romantic songs and musical dramas. Böhm has now set to music nearly four hundred songs, based on poetry by Heinrich Heine, Hermann Hesse, Robert Frost, Paul Verlaine and many others. He and accompanying artists have given piano and Lieder concerts of these compositions in Europe and Japan. As pianist Böhm accompanied singers of distinction such as Ingeborg Hallstein, Hanno Blaschke, Karl-Heinz Lippe, Keith Engen, Michael Ingham, as well as cellist Julius Berger and violinist Angelika Lichtenstern. Andreas Reibenspies, on the faculty of the Karlsruhe Music Academy, has been described as "a new Fischer-Dieskau." His great interest in Lieder led him to take master classes with Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Edith Mathis and Norman Shetler. Reibenspies has been guest artist at operas, starting with his debut in 1991 in the title role of Mozart's Figaro, at the Regensburg Opera. He has sung in such roles as the king in Orff's Die Kluge, Fluth in Nicolai's Lustige Weiber, Robert Storch in Richard Strauss' Intermezzo, and in the title role of Berg's Wozzeck.
Source: Eric Boehm, Santa Barbara3/10/99
Hesse in Japan The exhibition of watercolors of Hermann Hesse took place at Kanazawa in the Cultural Hall (1/20 - 2/15/98), at Taisho-mura, Gifu Prefecture, in the Ogawa Memorial Museum (4/2 - 5/31/98), at Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, in the Shibuya Museum (6/3 - 6/14/98, at Asahikawa, Hokkaido, in the Collection-kan (8/1 - 8/25/98), at Nara, in the Kintetsu Department Stores (9/3 - 9/9/98). The exhibition is scheduled to be at Kichijoji, Tokyo, in the Kintetsu Department Stores (3/17 - 3/29/99), at Koto-ku, Tokyo, in the Toyosu Cultural Center (3/31 - 4/11/99), and other locations still to be confirmed..Aside from the above exhibition tour, some 25 watercolors selected from the exhibition were shown under the title TABIBITO KAERAZU (English: a traveler never returns). This was a beautiful small exhibition of two poets, Hermann Hesse and Junzaburo Nishiwaki, a Japanese poet who also painted many watercolors in his life. This exhibition took place at Shinano Drawing Museum, Nagano Prefecture (11/9 - 12/20/97) and at Ohra Library, Gunma Prefecture (2/28 - 3/8/98).
The magazine MON (Nr.53) had a feature article on Hermann Hesse and essays by Asao Okada, Eiji Usami, and Makoto Shindo, all in Japanese, and published by the Kumon Institute of Education, Tokyo, October 1998, ISSN 0911-8322.
A citizens' "action committee" put on a watercolor exhibition in Fukuyama, Japan
This 99 pp. catalog is still available
free of charge from
Mr. Kunio Hayakawa,
100-72, Ashiwara, Kamocho,
Fukuyama, 720-2411
Hiroshima Prefecture.Mr. Makoto Shindo, an officer of the Japanese Paul-Klee Society, points out that the exhibitions in Fukuyama and Asahikawa were prepared and organized by groups of ordinary citizen who loved Hermann Hesse. They volunteered their time and served as docents and guides throughout the duration, another first for this type of exhibition in Japan. It was truly an enterprise "of the people, for the people, and by the people," writes Mr. Shindo. In his more than 25 years of experience in the profession this never happened before. Art exhibitions in Japan are alway, or at least almost always, sponsored and promoted by the regional or city government, by museums, or (typically so in Japan) by newspapers. There is actually little consultation with the general public at the receiving end. Mr. Shindo writes quite enthusiastically about what he perceives to be a new movement of cultural activities in Japan. On a large scale, he cautions however, there are complex financial and administrative aspects, the protection and insurance of art works etc. which would mitigate against such wonderful citizen initiatives. He adds that in his opinion Hesse would have been very pleased.
Although very similar to the situation in Asahikawa, it was particularly interesting in Fukuyama. An admirer of Hesse who works in the Public Library of Fukuyama learned about the Japanese tour of Hesse's watercolors from the Hermann Hesse Page on the internet. He called Mr. Shindo at once and asked whether the exhibition was scheduled to visit Fukuyama. When told that it was not, he brought together more than 30 people and they consulted with Mr. Shindo about how to proceed with the complex task of organizing an exhibition on their own. Mr. Shindo was invited for lectures and reported that the exhibitions in both cities attracted many visitors and were very successful.
Source: Mr. Makoto Shindo, Tokyo2/18/99
French Television in Paris to air TV-Broadcast on Hermann Hesse in April/May
English and German versions will be released. The address of the London agency and distributor is as follows R.M. Associates
46 Great Marlborough Street
London WIV 1DBFax: +0171-439 2316
Phone: +0171-439 2637
Email: rma@rma_associates.co.ukSource: Ursula Michels-Wenz
Offenbach a.M. Germany2/3/99
10th International Hesse Colloquium in Calw 1999
1/29/99 Hesse exhibition at Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia
Oglethorpe University Museum announces the exhibition "Hermann Hesse: Novelist, Poet, Painter" featuring watercolors, pen and ink drawings, first edition books, photographs and a full-color replica of Hesse's 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature. The exhibition will open to the public on Sunday, February 14, 1999 and remain open through Sunday, May 30. For more information see HHP's events page, call (404) 364-8555, or send email to museum@oglethorpe.edu.
Source: Jackie Kurklis
updated 2003-06-29
1/6/99Message from Winkler Film in Vienna, Austria Siddhartha Videotape"The film Siddhartha is right now not available on video. As soon as it is available in the US, we will post it on this page [HHP, Ed.]. You can also send an email to Winkler Film, the rightsholder of the film - office@winklerfilm.com - stating your interest in a videotape of Siddhartha. Winkler Film is collecting all requests and will inform everyone as soon as the videotape is available.
12/2/98Letter from Holland about the
Hesse-Tage in Calw in November 1998Mr.Hajo Smit in Breda, The Netherlands, wrote to the Hesse Page:Dear Gunther
I just returned from the Hessetage in Calw. The atmosphere was quite relaxed and the lectures were generally interesting.
The first lecture was Mr.Spaleck's "On the Beauty of Human Soul", but I was very sleepy at that time and wouldn't know what to say about it.
On Saturday morning, we heard Mr.Günther Baumann's lecture "Hermann Hesse's Image of Man", which did not contain really new insights (as I see it), but is by it's clear structure very suitable for the Internet. As Mr.Baumann sells his own books, I fear that he won't publish this lecture on the Hesse Pages, but either Mrs.Bran or Elke Minkus promised me that they would ask Mr.Baumann. (no answer yet). Generally speaking, the lecture offers a 3-phase structure in many of Hesse's works from "Demian" on. (I recognize this scheme from Ziolkowski's essay on "Demian").
In the afternoon, Mr.Spaleck had his lecture "About the Power of the Images of the Soul", which dealt with the praxis of psychotherapy. Mr.S. uses a technique called "Imaginationen", which is the evocation of images or dreams that help interpret the patient's problems. Although Mrs.S. (who joined her husband) was so friendly to read a text of Hesse as an example for these images, the lecture changed over to case studies of Mr.S.'s own patients, from which he gave two very interesting examples. If you like, I will certainly translate it all for you (supposed Mr.S. consents). However, I don't really see how we can understand Hesse's works better by this lecture. Maybe it was meant as a therapy to be more open to the images that Hesse uses.
In the morning, Mr.Michels gave his lecture: he simply read the afterword which he wrote for "Zarathustras Wiederkehr". Afterwards, he told us, that so many letters of Hesse have been found, that another volume of Hesse's letters could be published. Mr.Greiner reported that he had discovered a dissertation on Hesse from 1932. Mr.Michels told us about a letter, in which Hesse explained how and why he started painting.
Best regards
Hajo 4/29/98 American Conference on Romanticism : Tentative Program (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)Cross-Currents in Romanticism.The AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON ROMANTICISM meeting will be held at the University of California, Santa Barbara, October 16-18, 1998. The topics will include International, interliterary, interdisciplinary connections and contrasts; European and American, East and West, North and South antinomies of Romanticism; crossing of genres; ways of dissemination, the intermediaries; utopias and images of "the other"; literature and history (the French Revolution; Napoleon); romantic literature and the arts, philosophy, the sciences; the international origins of national romanticisms; romantic poetics and modern theory. (http://humanitas.ucsb.edu/~kramer/ghconf2.html)
3/3/98 Donahue/Sosinski Art, New York City:First exhibition of Hesse watercolors and related materials in New York, 560 Broadway.
Click here for details. Read a short reminder notice about this exhibition in The New York Times of February 27, 1998.
12/9/97 Tomoko Yamakawa, Japan:"I want to introduce the "Hermann Hesse-Forschungsgruppe Japan" to you. I think that it takes a long time to explain this "Forschungsgruppe", so that I can give you only a brief explanation today.
I'll give you the detail of it later.
- The "Hermann Hesse-Forschungsgruppe Japan" is part of the "Hermann Hesse Freundeskreis Japan". There are various kinds of people in the "Hermann Hesse Freundeskreis Japan", for example, housewifes, medical doctors, businessmen, etc and also Mr.Yamashita of NHK. The "Hermann Hesse-Forschungsgruppe Japan" is a group, which consists of only researchers of German literature.
- There is also another group in Japan, the "Hermann Hesse Gesellschaft" in Hiroshima. Mr.Goro Shitanda, who appeared in the TV program, is a important member of the "Hermann Hesse Gesellschaft".
By the way, Prof.Tanaka, Vice President of "Hermann Hesse-Forschungsgruppe," asked me to let you know that the book "Brief von Hermann Hesse (Hermann Hesse Letters) - damit man in der Welt des Chaos leben kann", which was announced in the Hermann Hesse Page, was translated into Japanese by this "Forschunsgruppe".
Recently Prof.Tanaka himself published a Japanese book about Hesse. The title of this book is "Hermann Hesse - Die Freuden und Leiden der Selbstverwirklichung" in German.
Best regards,
Tomoko Yamakawa"
12/9//97 News from Franklin College - Sorengo/Lugano: The College plans to offer a course on water color painting during the summer of 1998. The College will admit regular students for credit, and auditors from the community. The course was inspired by Hermann Hesse's paintings of the magnificent landscape of the vicinity of Lugano. What a great idea!
11/26/97 News from Massimo Ambrosetti and Ambrogio Pellegrini, the President of the Society of Friends of the Hesse Museum, regarding the Torre Camuzzi in Montagnola:The Hesse Museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. during the winter season from November 1, 1997 until March 1998. Previously we had reported that it can also be opened at other times for small groups by special request. Next year the museum will schedule a number of events on Buddhism and "Siddhartha". If you have further questions, HHP will gladly try to find out for you, or you can contact the museum directly using the following address:
Hermann Hesse Museum in Montagnola
Tel/Fax: (+41-91) 791.52.55
Library of Franklin College - Lugano-Sorengo, Switzerland
http://www.fc.edu/library11/22/97 News from Lugano (Ticino): We just wanted to notify you that the Hermann Hesse Museum in Montagnola, Switzerland is working with Franklin College (American University) in Lugano to update information and exhibits on Hermann Hesse on the Internet, e.g., Home Web page under construction.February 10-28, 1998
Hesse's watercolors in New York City
Donahue/Sosinski Art Gallery
560 Broadway, #304, NY, NY 10012
Tel: (212) 226.11.11
Fax: (212) 982.55.79
Please contact:
Director of Hermann Hesse Museum in Montagnola
Tel/Fax: (+41-91) 791.52.55
Barbara Huett, contact details below.
Barbara Huett, Library Director
Franklin College Switzerland
Via Ponte Tresa 29
6924 Sorengo-Lugano, Switzerland
tel: (+41-91) 993.01.01
fax: (+41-91) 994.41.17
email: bhuett@fc.edu
Mr. Makoto Shindo, Summer 199711/18/97 News from Japan: An exhibition of 50 Hesse watercolors and other items is being planned for the city of Kanazawa in January 1998. The exhibition will then tour through central Japan until September. There are several new publications on Hesse in Japan. They will be announced in the Hermann Hesse Page in the near future. This information comes to us from Mr. Makoto Shindo.
Scene from the film "Siddhartha"11/4/97 News from Gerhard Winkler, Vienna - Austria: Conrad Rook's film Siddhartha "will be be released in a German dubbed version and the original English version. In most other countries it will be with subtitles, in Italy probably dubbed into Italian. [...] (Message of 10/1/97)
For more information click here.
10/30/97 News from Hesse's son Heiner: A book is in the planning stage about the Casa Camuzzi in Montagnola, the miniature palace in which Hesse had rented a few rooms starting 1919 and where he spent some of the most productive years of his life. The place is adjacent to the new compact but very attractive Hesse Museum in the Torre Camuzzi. Its history is very interesting, its architect actually having participated in building the Ermitage in St. Petersburg. A couple of years ago the building was actually sold and converted to condominiums for connoisseurs who love this beautiful Italian part of Switzerland. The sudden sale had made it impossible to acquire and restore the actual rooms were Hesse had lived.A traveling exhibition of Hesse's water colors is being shown in northern Italy. We would publish the Italian prospectus if we could type Italian a little faster and if we knew you were interested. In Ravenna, Heiner Hesse was presented with a large mosaic which had been created by a woman artist who used one of Hesse's water colors as a point of origin. The mosaic will be turned over officially by the Mayor of the City of Ravenna to the Hesse Museum in Montagnola on November 15. The artist will be present. I am sorry but we did not get her name but will publish it (and an image of the mosaic) if and when we can.
Send comments and suggestions to the Hermann Hesse Page
Revised July 17, 2001 using Netscape
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