Hesse Web Magazine Information and Commentaries
2001 - 2002
Published since 1997 by the Hermann Hesse Research Project (HHP) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. © All Rights Reserved
Professor G. W. Field University of Toronto
(a well-known Canadian Hesse Scholar)
December 18, 2002
George Wallis Field
Professor of German, Victoria College, University of Toronto, 1948-1979, […] died suddenly, on Wednesday, December 18, 2002, while swimming at Hart House, U of T, in his 89th year. […] Devoted to Victoria College and the University of Toronto, widely published author and worldrenowned scholar of German literature, specializing in Goethe, Schiller, Heine and especially the works of Hermann Hesse. He was a true renaissance man, passionate about classical music, ballet, Japanese art and culture, sports, fishing, swimming and spending time at his beloved Georgian Bay. He possessed a keen and powerful intellect, always ready to debate both current issues and historical events. He delighted all who knew him as a wonderful story teller with amazing attention to detail and ever present humour. Born in Cobourg in 1914, one of his earliest memories was witnessing the victory celebrations at the end of the Great War. Graduated from U of T in 1935, recipient of the Gold Medal, taught high school in Bradford, Ontario and then at the Canadian Academy in Kobe, Japan from 1938-1940. He obtained his MA and PhD from U of T upon his return from the Second World War. He commenced his long and distinguished teaching career at U of T in 1948. The Professor G.W. Field Scholarship Fund has been established in his memory and donations may be made to Victoria University Alumnae Office, 150 Charles St. West, Toronto, Ontario) M5S1K7. A memorial service to celebrate his life will be held in the Victoria College Chapel on Friday, January 31st, at 3:00 p.m.
Source: excerpted from "The Globe and Mail," Toronto 2002-12-21
National Seminar on the Dynamics of Representation
Interface One:
Contemporary Writing and the Arts – the Cultural Scenario of South India
Region, Literature and Culture
Dedicated to the fond memory of 125 years of
Hermann Hesse8-10th January 2003
Tellicherry and Trivandrum, KeralaJointly organized by
Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla and
Centre for South Indian Studies, TrivandrumContemporary theoretical discourse has introduced into our cultural practice concepts such as center, margin/periphery, the postmodern,
subversion, transgression, the subaltern and the like. These have in turn triggered new intellectual vibrancy into the general slackening of
dynamics and direction that followed on the wake of the modernist movement of the sixties and the political radicalism of the seventies. There
also exists simultaneously a transverse concern for a new nationalism/internationalism with its consequent ambivalent attitude towards the
postcolonial western style modernization of society, state and the nation. How do our cultural practices respond to these? What is their present
status/dynamis? Is there a need for the cultural idiom to be excessively concerned with theoretical issues? What is the role of critical theory and
practice in the context of Indian literary and artistic representations? Is there a strong intellectual movement to subvert and turn the
center-periphery model inside out? What has happened to the tentative attempts-- those probings and explorations towards a common Indian
poetic/Aesthetic-- towards the retracing of regional ideology and narrative? These are among the many other issues that the proposed Seminar
would take up for debate and discussion. We intend to provide a common forum for healthy and intellectual debate by practicing artists, writers
and critics equally concerned with these issues. Sessions will be on:Language/Literature/Region/Culture
Fiction/Short Story/Nonfiction
Criticism/Critical Theory/Aesthetics
Cinema and Film Theory
Drama and Theatrical Forms
for further details visit the website: http://www.geocities.com/csistvm
PresentsNow Available For the First Time on VHSandDVD
A Film by Conrad Rooks. Based on the Novel by Hermann Hesse.
Collector’s Edition: Mastered from the Newly Restored 35mm NegativeOrder Now for December 3, 2002 Release!
"One of the most profoundly beautiful films ever createded. An extraordinary achievement on all possible levels." Phil Hall, Film Threat When filmmaker Conrad Rooks decided to film Siddhartha, the novel by Nobel Prize-winner Hermann Hesse, he traveled to India with legendary cinematographer Sven Nykvist. There, bewitched by the
shimmering beauty and magic of this ancient land, they transformed Hesse's tale into widescreen poetry.Siddhartha is a glorious evocation of the Buddha and of each person's search for self-knowledge and the divine within.
Siddhartha. India/USA. 1972. Color. 85 minutes. Letterboxed. English Language. Cinematography by Sven Nykvist.
VHS and DVD Bonus Features: Original theatrical trailer and a 30-minute interview with director Conrad Rooks!
Additional DVD Bonus Features: The original shooting script with paintings by Conrad Rooks, alternate German and Spanish soundtracks, still gallery.
Price: 29.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling in the US, $6.00 to Canada. Milestone accepts American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, institutional purchase orders and personal checks made out on US
banks. Order by phone, email or fax to the addresses below..See also, our other film, Bae Yong-kyun’s Zen masterpiece from Korea, WHY HAS BODHI-DHARMA LEFT FOR THE EAST? now on VHS and DVD.
Press kit for Siddhartha available at
http://www.milestonefilms.com/presspages/Pressinfo.htmlFor Orders, More Information or to request being removed from this email mailing list, contact:
Dennis Doros
Milestone Film & Video
PO Box 128
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Phone: (800) 603-1104 or outside the US: (201) 767-3117
Fax: (201) 767-3035Source: Milestone Films (direct)
2002-09-13Academic Hermann Hesse Conference London
November 2002
New for the summer of 2002: International Hermann-Hesse Society
in Hesse’s birthplace Calw/Germany.Apparently there has never been made an attempt to enter into a coordinated exchange among groups and organizations which have sprung up worldwide in appreciation of the most widely translated German/Swiss author Hermann Hesse. Therefore in July 2002 the Calwer agencies directing the traditional bi-annual International Hermann Hesse Colloquium, the City of Calw, the State Academy for Continuing Teacher Education and the International Studygroup of the State of Baden-Württemberg formally established an International Hermann Hesse Society.
The society intends to study the international reception of Hermann Hesse’s writings which is known to have promoted international understanding and enhanced intercultural dialogue to an extraordinary degree. The new society plans to contact existing Hermann Hesse societies throughout the world in order to facilitate the access to shared information about the author and his work, to promote and assist in research, and to foster continuing crosscultural contacts.
Simultaneously, the City of Calw and the State Academy invited interested parties to inquire about, and/or join a fundraising organization in support of the activities of the new Hermann Hesse Gesellschaft, the Hermann Hesse Fördergesellschaft, by writing to info@hessegesellschaft.de. This promotional society offers its members a forum and issues reports about events and other timely topics regarding Hesse’s life and works, and by initiating discussions and increasing personal contacts
Source: adapted from a flyer distributed in Calw
The Seattle Times
Sunday, June 30, 2002
Show describes hellish journey of cult author Hesse
Visitors toured an exhibition titled “Hellish Journey Through Myself” in the Swiss National Museum in Zurich. The show gave an overview of the life of Nobel Prize-winning author Hermann Hesseby Hanns Neuerbourg
The Associated PressZURICH, Switzerland — The novel, purportedly written by a man named Emil Sinclair, immediately won a literary award when it was published in 1919. But the winner of the prize, reserved for first works, returned it since he was no newcomer to the literary scene.
Only in the mid-1920s did the author of the self-exploring “Demian” reveal his true identity: Hermann Hesse. Half a century later, Hesse’s books became cult favorites for millions worldwide, above all young readers.
Now, on the 125th anniversary of his birth, the life and work of Hesse, one of the most widely read German-speaking novelists and poets, are themes for numerous shows, conferences and other events throughout the world.
Competing for special attention are Calw, the picturesque German Black Forest town where he was born July 2, 1877, and Zurich, in his adopted homeland, Switzerland, where all of his Nobel Prize-winning prose was written.
The Zurich exhibition at the Swiss National Museum claim[ed] to be the largest presentation. Its title, “Hellish Journey Through Myself.” [was] excerpted from a résumé Hesse wrote in 1924. It point[ed] to decades of struggle to overcome personal crises.
On view [were] first editions of his books as well as paintings, texts, letters and memorabilia. The focus [was] on “Siddhartha” and “Steppenwolf,” two key novels by the prolific writer, whose works have been translated into almost 60 languages.
Two revolvers stuck to the wall of one room recall Hesse’s flirtation with suicide, which began when he was a teenager. He bought his first handgun at age 15 in a mental clinic where his austerely Pietist parents had put their rebellious son after he escaped from a Protestant seminary.
Next to the arms [was] a letter in which he accuses his father of having robbed him of “the zest of life.” By then, he had already long decided that he wanted to “become a poet or nothing at all,” as he would remember in his résumé.
His first novel, “Peter Camenzind,” a back-to-nature call in response to growing industrialization published when he was 27, was already a success — as was the life of Buddha and reflecting Hesse’s studies of Indian and Chinese philosophy. It was only with “Steppenwolf,” his novel about a romantic anti-establishment loner, that Hesse found relative peace, according to Zimmermann.
The publication of “Steppenwolf,” on his 50th birthday, can be considered as a symbolic end of the hellish journey, Zimmermann writes. Hesse has reached the highest degree of self-awareness and self-discovery possible to him.
Artistic installations at the show are designed to transmit emotionally the message of the two novels to visitors.
Hesse once thought of dropping writing for painting. Some 20 of his nearly 3,000 watercolors, chiefly landscapes, are on view. He also was a compulsive writer of letters — more than 35,000. Many are responses to letters from readers or are correspondence with friends. Some of those displayed seem bizarre, such as a 1934 letter to a wealthy supporter in which he enclosed a pair of pants and asked for two more pairs of the same kind.
After World War I, Hesse settled in Montagnola in the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino and obtained Swiss citizenship. He rarely left his retreat in the tiny village. In 1946, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature for “his inspired writings which … exemplify the classical humanitarian ideals and high qualities of style.”
He died in his sleep of a brain hemorrhage Aug.9, 1962. In his bedroom, a gray cardboard box was found. It contained a revolver.
Translations of his works had been best sellers in Japan since the 1930s. But Hesse’s fame took worldwide dimensions only posthumously.
American interest was first largely limited to the academic community. But in the 1960s, the beat generation enthusiastically made Hesse its cult figure. And with LSD guru Timothy Leary recommending “Siddhartha” and “Steppenwolf” as helping to expand consciousness, some members of the counterculture considered Hesse’s work to be a psychedelic bible.
Slightly adapted and reprinted from © THE SEATTLE TIMES for non-profit educational purposes
Source: Christian I. Schneider and Heiner Hesse
Second list of the 2002 playdates and locations in the U.S.of Conrad Rook's film
News about the forthcomin releases of VHS/DVDs !Siddhartha
Dear Friends of "Siddhartha", First, there are many new playdates for Siddhartha around the country. Please see below to see if it's coming to your town!
More "new" news -- the VHS and DVD release for Siddhartha has been set for December 3, 2002. If you'd haven't already, and would like to be placed on our mailing list to be informed when it becomes available, please Email me back with your postal address.
Thank you!
Dennis Doros
Milestone Film & Video
PO Box 128
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Phone: (201) 767-3117 or in the US (800) 603-1104
Fax: (201) 767-3035
Email: MileFilms@aol.com
Alphabetical by location:
Albuquerque, NM, Madstone Cinemas, August 30 - September 5
Bellingham, WA, Pickford Cinema, October 18-24
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, MA October 18-26
Boulder International Film Series, University of Colorado, September 26-27
Charlottesville, Virginia Film Festival, October 24-27
Denver Film Society/Starz Cinema, CO November 1-7
Hartford, CT, Reel Artways, October 18-24
Honolulu Academy of Art, HI September 13-16
Los Angeles, CA, Nuart Theatre, September 27 - October 3
Louisville, KY, Baxter Ave Theaters, September September 13-19
Minneapolis, MN, Oak Street Theatre, September 7-19
New York, NY Anthology Film Archives, September 19-29, 2002
Port Townsend, WA, Rose Theater, October 11-17
Rhinebeck, NY, Upstate Films, November 1-7
San Francisco, CA, Red Victorian Movie house, October 5-6
San Luis Obispo, CA, Palm Theatre, August 9-15
San Rafael, California, San Rafael Film Center, July 26-August 22, 2002
Sarasota, FL, Burns Court Cinema, October 11-17
Saratoga Film Forum, NY October 6
St. Johnsbury, Vermont, Catamount Arts, August 16-22
U of Iowa, Bijou Cinema, September 26 - October 2
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Union Theater October 23-24
Vancouver, BC, Pacific Cinematheque, August 30-September 3
Varsity Theater, Seattle, WA October 4-10
Norfolk, VA, Naro Cinema, November 4
Cleveland Cinematheque, Ohio November 22-24
Cinema 21, Portland, OR December 13-19
Gene Siskel Film Theatre, Chicago, IL July 12-18
The Castro Theater, San Francisco, California July 19-24
Webster University Film Series, St. Louis, MO July 20-21
Railroad Square, Waterville, Maine July 22-August 1
Shattuck Cinemas, Berkeley, California July 26-August 1
Crest Theatre, Sacramento, California July 26-August 1, 2002
Nickelodeon Cinema, Santa Cruz, CA July 26 - August 1Chronological:
San Rafael Film Center, San Rafael, California July 26-August 22, 2002
Palm Theatre, San Luis Obispo, CA August 9-15
Catamount Arts, St. Johnsbury, Vermont August 16-22
Madstone Cinemas, Albuquerque, NM August 30 - September 5
Pacific Cinematheque, Vancouver, BC August 30-September 3
Oak Street Theatre, Minneapolis, MN September 7-19
Baxter Ave Theaters, Louisville, KY September September 13-19
Honolulu Academy of Art, HI September 13-16
Anthology Film Archives, New York, NY September 19-29, 2002
University of Colorado, Boulder International Film Series September 26-27
Bijou Cinema, U of Iowa September 26 - October 2
Nuart Theatre, Los Angeles, CA September 27 - October 3
Varsity Theater, Seattle, WA October 4-10
Red Victorian Movie house, San Francisco, CA October 5-6
Saratoga Film Forum, NY October 6
Burns Court Cinema, Sarasota, FL October 11-17
Rose Theater, Port Townsend, WA October 11-17
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, MA October 18-26
Reel Artways, Hartford, CT October 18-24
Pickford Cinema, Bellingham, WA October 18-24
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Union Theater October 23-24
Virginia Film Festival, Charlottesville October 24-27
Upstate Films, Rhinebeck, NY November 1-7
Denver Film Society/Starz Cinema, CO November 1-7
Naro Cinema, Norfolk, VA November 4
Cleveland Cinematheque, Ohio November 22-24
Cinema 21, Portland, OR December 13-19
Houston Museum of Fine Arts, TX December 14-23
16 May 2002New U.S. Release of the film "Siddhartha"
Showings are scheduled in five theatersfrom May through September 2002![]()
A message from Milefilms regarding the forthcoming U.S. release
Dear Friends, Pardon me for sending a "group" email, but Mr. Gerhard Winkler of Winkler Films in Austria sent me an astonishing number of emails from the last three or four years requesting news on the availability of SIDDHARTHA. There is a new development that we're very, very pleased to convey to you.
Our company, Milestone Film & Video, has recently acquired the rights to Conrad Rooks' SIDDHARTHA for the US and Canada. We will be releasing the film to theaters around the country starting this summer. The first few dates are listed below with more to come.
The VHS and DVD release -- which will feature a half hour interview with Mr. Rooks, the original US trailer, and the complete shooting script for the film -- will be sometime late this year or more likely, in early 2003. If you'd like to be placed on our mailing list to be informed of the video release, please Email me back with your postal address.
Dennis Doros
Milestone Film & Video
PO Box 128
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Phone: (201) 767-3117 or in the US (800) 603-1104
Fax: (201) 767-3035
Email: MileFilms@aol.com
Website: www.milestonefilms.com
SIDDHARTHA WILL BE PLAYING AT THESE THEATERS: The Screen at the College of Santa Fe, New Mexico May 17-23, 2002
The Castro Theater, San Francisco, California July 19-24
Shattuck Cinemas, Berkeley, California July 26-August 1
San Rafael Film Center, San Rafael, California July 26-August 1, 2002
Anthology Film Archives, New York, NY September 19-29, 2002Source: Dennis Doros
6. Februar 2002
Bradac's Steppenwolf Illustrations on the Web
Recently the 1975 publication of the illustrations by the Czech graphic artist Jaroslav Bradac (1945 - ) have resurfaced and created some attention on the web. You may recall that his images were used in the film version of "Steppenwolf" by Fred Haines and in the depiction of the scenes in the Magic Theater. The new Portuguese site by Ricardo Cavalho offers you
examples of Bradac's imagery.Source: Ricardo Cavalho
7 February 2002"Siddhartha" appeared in the United States as an audiobook in a new translation in 2001. The set consists of 4 CDs with a combined running time of five hours. Details 26 December 2001Documentary and Video about Hermann Hesse's son Heiner
"I recently produced an authorzied and personal film-portrait with and about Heiner Hesse (92 year old son of Hermann Hesse), his life and his life with his father Hermann Hesse. The film has been accepted by the Swiss National Museum in Zurich, to be shown in the 125 anniversary Hermann Hesse exhibit in 2002. Heiner Hesse suggested, that it may be of interest, to the large number of English Hesse readers, to be able to aquire an English version. If so, please let me know, or, if you have any further question, contact me."
Elisabeth Brunner Hauri eeb@bluewin.ch
Source: HHP Forum (English)
17 July 2001![]()
New Hesse Society in Nepal
"Recently a Hermann Hesse Society has been inaugurated in Nepal. The chief guest was the German Ambassador to Nepal, His Excellency Mr. Ruediger Lemp. The President of the society is Mr. Ramesh Adhikari.
The Society will develop literary ties between Nepal and Germany. The society will also work for translation of various books of Hermann Hesse, specially SIDDHARTHA into Nepali Language. It also has started working to translate Nepali Folk Lores into German Language.
If you can help the society by giving addresses of various Hermann Hesse Societies in Germany/Switzerland, then this new society in Nepal will be grateful to you. This will help the society to build up relations with other organizations having same interest and objective.
Thanking for you time and waiting to hear from you soon.
With best regards
Bijay D. Pant"Quelle: Bijay D. Pant, Nepal