© HHP 2017-08-10

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Theses - Papers
Dissertationen - Prüfungsarbeiten

[© Robert Cushman Hayes]

For a complete listing of all dissertations on Hermann Hesse, please refer to the appropriate bibliographies in your local library.  The Limberg Annual Bibliography of  theses is archived by the Hermann-Hesse Page. Look under "Bibliographies" on the home page. The following links often only provide summaries and/or tables of content, but some offer the entire text.

Adam Keith Roberts "Marks of Fiction": The Function of the Nietzschean Mask in the Works of Hermann Hesse Dissertation: Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Leeds, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies - The Centre for World Litertures, 250 pp, incl. 17-page bibliography. 2016


Full text web link


Erik Paul Wagner "The lonely Romantic" : Nature, Education, and Cultural Pessimism in the Early Works of Hermann Hesse.

Master of Arts thesis, Univ. of Louisiana, Jan 2015.

  • Abstract
  • Full PDF text available from Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Collection at LSU, URN: etd-02192015-182651



Rena Wallis

Philosophical Taoism, Castalia, and Ghandian Philosophy

Humanity in Search of the Spirit

A paper submitted at UC Santa Barbara

(full text adapted for the internet by HHP)




Hendrikje Schulze 

Die Zarathustra-Figur
in der politischen Flugschrift
Zarathustras Wiederkehr von Hermann Hesse
Universität Jena
18. Oktober 2001(Germany - Univ. of Jena)
HPJ Vol. III, Nr. 6, 2001
21pp. (temporarily closed)
2001 German
(Adobe Format)
Stephanie Bergold Das west-östliche Lebensprinzip in Hermann Hesses Werk. Eine Antwort auf
existenzielle Fragen. 
Preis: 62,80 DM; 32 Euro; 62,80 SFr
ISBN: 3-932274-69-5
zu bestellen bei: www.tenea-verlag.de
2001 German
Maryam Darvish Mystische Elemente in Hermann Hesses Roman "Siddhartha" Tarbiyat Modarress Universität Teheran
(M.A.Thesis - Magisterarbeit 1997)
1997 English and German
Rüdiger Haas Über das Wesen des Todes.  Eine tiefenphänomenologische Betrachtung konkret dargestellt am Werk Hermann Hesse Augsburg, Univ., Diss. 1997 (veröfftl. Würzburg: Ergon, 1998) 1997 German
Trevor Smith "Transgression" and "salvation" in Hesse's works State University of New York, Buffalo, Ph.D. 1996 German
Petra Fricke Darstellung und Bedeutung der weiblichen Figuren in Hesses Romanen der Zwanziger Jahre Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität 
1. Staatsexamen
1996 German
Christian I. Schneider The concept of "death" in Hesse's works University of California, 
Santa Barbara
, Doctoral dissertation
1968 German


Send submissions and/or comments to the Hermann Hesse Page
Posted 2010/08/10

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