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Mr. Anonymous
06/23/01 11:27 AM
Hesse and nature Reply to this post

In trying to understand Hesse and his writings as a whole, I find that nature was a key for his survival, his escape from all the negative forces in his life. And this key element was reflected in the sceneries of his writings, such as the river in Siddhartha. Nature was also important in his paintings and poems...

And on the opposite end, Harry Haller could not appreciate nature and so he was partly miserable because of it.

And curiously, Hesse had Joseph K. drowning at end of the Glass Bead Game. One can almost make a claim that Hesse, in his last work, completed the systhesis of human and nature and then giving birth to inspiration to the boy, the next generation.

Curious, I wonder if Hesse at meat, or was he a vegetarian?

Warm regards,

P.S. So many visit and read these posts, but few like to post a thought. Please post something! That's what the Net is for, exchanging ideas.

Mr. Anonymous
06/23/01 11:39 AM
Re: Hesse and Nature new [re: Mr. Anonymous]Reply to this post

Additionally, the duality found in humanity that Hesse wrote about can also be reflective of Nature; we can dig up stuff from the Earth and make a bomb or grow food from the soil to feed people. And Mother Nature can give us sunshine to help photosynthesis along, or a hurricane / typhoon can wipe out lives in a snap.

Warm regards,

06/25/01 12:59 PM
Re: Hesse and Nature new [re: Mr. Anonymous]Reply to this post

Glasperlenspiel is, in my opinion, a brilliant synthesis of ideas, culture and religion. Although the Castalians are non-denominational, they do worship the Game in a sense. It's practice aims at unity, at infinity in a finite world. The game is the ultimate analogue to man's dual nature; that is, of finitude and infinitude. B/c, as the opening quote reads, nothing is more difficult yet nothing is more neccesaary to contemplate that which is niether probable nor demonstrable - for the serious and concientious indiviual - this birngs the individual closer to being born. Likewise, Knecht returns to the bounty fo life - the water - his death is a symbol of unity, of both death and brith.

06/29/01 07:39 PM
Re: Hesse and Nature new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Metamophosis? and nature, like cockroches?

06/29/01 07:42 PM
Re: Hesse and nature new [re: Mr. Anonymous]Reply to this post

i left the r out of metmorphosis before, you,ve read it too eh?

06/29/01 07:46 PM
Re: Hesse and nature new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

oh! or wait, am I confusing hesse with kafka?and the paranoia of the trial?

06/29/01 07:47 PM
Re: Hesse and nature new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

yes, i think so.

06/29/01 07:49 PM
Re: Hesse and nature new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I loved Srange News From another Star...

william lyons
07/01/01 07:46 AM
Re: Hesse and Nature new [re: Mr. Anonymous]Reply to this post

his writings have the profoundest effect on me more so than any other author thinker

07/02/01 06:22 AM
Re: Hesse and Nature new [re: william lyons]Reply to this post


Yes, most readers like Hesse because he offers much more than just a piece of dead tree with ink printed on it. He spent his whole life searching to be human and searching for the meaning of being human and it shows in his works. When I read his books I see him and I see me and I see life and everybody. Too bad I wear glasses...


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