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07/31/02 12:40 PM
Personality Experiment Reply to this post

I'm curious about all of us so intrigued by Steppenwolf, Siddartha, and Herman Hesse in general. I have a feeling we all have fairly similar personalities that will be classified together under Jung's Typology test (four-letter code). Here's the address of a questionnaire if you're interested :
I'm an INTJ

Pablo MartÁnez
08/14/02 03:40 PM
About "Demian" [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I'm really interested to keep a deep conversation about "Demian".
Please contact me to my e-mail: pamartio@puc.cl.
N: i hardly speak a good english. My lenguage is spanish.

08/25/02 10:59 AM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Your post spurred me to go to my files and check my own Myers-Briggs type and, lo and behold, my type is also INTJ.

I don't know what that means, if anything, but it's a curious "coincidence" anyway.
I wonder what Hesse's type was...

08/27/02 03:17 PM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: GJS]Reply to this post

From the modest amount I've read about Hesse's life, and the hints I get from Steppenwolf and Siddartha, combined with some of the stuff I've read posted in these forums, it seems like many of us would fall into a limited number of 'types'. It's too bad more people didn't reply.

09/05/02 02:26 PM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

i'm an INFJ

10/03/02 10:41 AM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

im an enfp
but i dont tink its terribly right
close but not on the ball

Father Time
10/21/02 05:50 PM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Althought I find it hard to believe the personality of man could so easily be classified, perhaps within a certain demographic (specifically the Westerner; Jung himself being a German and thus of the West) these traits could be analyzed using static questions. Hesse, to me, was a man who could, more than anything else, achieve a profound level of writing, in the sense that he could convey his ideas into words much better than the average writer. He captured everyday life and everyday feelings in the most glorious, horrific, graceful and stunning ways. His "Glass Bead Game" was, by far, the best book I have ever read. I am an INTP. I am disturbed by this. I am told, by a Dr. Kiersey, that INTPs are interested in the structure and spatial aspects of life. I wish I cared not for such things as space and time, but rather for the significance of life on the purest levels, as Huxley speaks of in his "Doors of Perception" and "Heaven and Hell." Oh well

10/21/02 08:28 PM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: Father Time]Reply to this post

ISTJ, but I don't agree and resent being put in the same category as George H. W. Bush, Herbert Hoover, and Fred Mertz.

10/23/02 01:05 PM
Re: Personality Experiment [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I also got INTJ.

11/09/02 10:15 AM
Re: Personality Experiment new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

That is two enfp's

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