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05/15/02 01:36 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Decimus Wild]Reply to this post

I think that if harry found someone and some doors, it's because one part of him wanted to, as he will finally found several of these part.
Everyone MUST wonder about himself someday I think and won't find the solution in one day.
And then you'll find the one you wanted and the doors you wanted because you already found it and you finished to wonder.

07/31/02 12:47 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Doesn't make you feel good to think that something fantastic can happen? Just pretend something mind-bogglingly miraculous is possible. Does that not inspire hope? Does not part of us want to believe that something can transcend this cerebral, logical world of ours?

08/08/02 10:04 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Decimus Wild]Reply to this post

One quick question for you. Have you tried going to a Cognative Behavioral Therapist? CBT is a fairly cutting edge branch of psychology that deals with thought patterns. It is thankfully very short term and has as good response as anti-depressant medication with a lower rate of recidivism. If you want to talk furlther, email me at dsher999@hotmail.com

08/12/02 09:51 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Yes it does make you feel good that something fantastic can just happen, but that is a very passive way of looking at it. Everybody identifies with Harry Haller, who sees miracles on the street. Who identifies with Pablo, the creator of the magic theatre. Who among you is going to create the mind bogglingly miraculous thing that others will see as a signpost for hope.

08/14/02 06:27 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Everyday begin to take note of the small things arround you, a bird flying the colour in a flower, a picture on a wall, rebuild your sense of wonder, don't expect too much at first, little by little take note of what is good around you. And remember that this world is full of wonder if you take time to look. Keep away from the dark and sad it is not for you to save the world you can only save yourself. Good luck

09/29/02 07:39 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Decimus Wild]Reply to this post

hi neki, how are you doing now? I just thought I'll write to you a little note after reading your post about your feelings regarding being a spectator to life. I can only too easily relate to them. I have recently come off medication and as of now I seem to be going alright although of course I still have my bad days.
I am not a regular visitor to this site. so if you would like to get in touch with me, please write to madm2@hotmail.com

by the way, are you a big Hesse Fan? I am. I actually translated his Knulp in to Dhivehi, which is the language spoken in the Maldives, which is where I originally come from. I have read quite a bit of his work, although not all. Currently I am re-reading Sidhartha and Steppenwolf after several years.
bye for now, take care, M. Waheed

10/16/02 04:11 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

first i learned about the buddha (siddharthar), then demian came into my life and i was hooked on the wise and often "too close to me" words that hesse has left for all of us to ponder. a few other works i have also read by our author, but i am now in the first third of steppenwolf and the maddness has begun. so far i am intrigued, i will speak more about this when it's done. to all of you that speak of saddness, really, we all have it, no human escapes it. we all deal with our demons differently, or not at all. i know that the one thing i will have to do everyday i live this earth is to look back at my own reflection. face that which you are. hermann hesse's brilliance lies in his brutal honesty and gift of word and of course his tortured soul. i have a friend who refuses to believe he has a soul, and maybe he doesn't. my soul is somewhere, sometimes right with me and othertimes it takes off on a journey of it's own and i wake up with a new reality about myself or the world and just know that the only truth is what you believe. and i digress, the power lies in the way hesse has transversed time because he speaks of the essence of the human being. the soul, mind and flesh. things like war, hype, and money are things we have to live with they come with the package.

10/29/02 03:46 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

right now, i truly believe in destiny. i have been for a long while if not chronically depressed, quite depressed. today i found demian laying around in a bookshelf and started reading it. trying to find out more about hesse i came across this forum and i feel better already, knowing i¹m not alone. i want to finish reading demian, and actually, follow your advice on reading nietzche which i had been considering for a while, being an atheist as i am. i totally agree with you about being in our natures, as intelectuals, to be unhappy. and you can feel better too for you have helped me.

11/07/02 05:15 PM
help? new [re: Neki]Reply to this post

can anyone see a link between the transcendental philosophy expressed by writers such as Emerson, Hawthorne or even Mark Twain and the Budhist approaches to 'the meaning of life' in Hesse's books?
I am trying to write a paper on Emerson and I think German romanticism and Budhism are both influential in Emerson and Hesee. Is this comparison too far-fetched? Can you help me?

11/13/02 06:27 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

hey you guys,
I just blew up my car & set myself on fire. im serious.
it hurt but i just got out of the hospitoal.
I love herman. havnt read all of him.
almost died. eat my freedom.

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