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11/26/03 06:07 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Decimus Wild]Reply to this post

you can't ,the only choice i see is to survive and to stand against the realities that we are given .

11/26/03 06:15 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

what make you think that???i think you just have to have a great perspective of your reality to be able to see the world the way it is:sad,casual and very ironic...as you say no everyone is intelligent enough to accept that reality and only some people is able to deal with that and still continue triyin to survive or exist in their own reality without being considered crazy by the rest of the ''world''

12/02/03 10:40 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

"As a matter of fact, I am going to re-read Steppenwolf again. The first time I read I was fascinated by his ideas, but somehow it overwhelmed me...I hope the 2nd reading will prove to be fruitful.
Edit: I am not saying the 1st reading wasn't fruitful...it's just that I need more reading to understand what his intent is."


08/12/04 11:59 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I'm about to turn 48, and this is my third reading of Steppenwolf. The first time (in my twenties) I struggled for nearly a decade. Second time (late thirties) I finished in about a month. This time, I'll finish in 3 nights. My life has changed dramatically since my last effort. I'm now married (very late) and have 2 little boys who are the focus of my life. I've also been practicing law for the past quarter century. Anyway, it's an incredible book, one of my favorites. Sorry to be rambling. One person who submitted something earlier suggested that we all tend to exhibit manifold natures in the various roles we play. This is part of what Steppenwolf is about for me. It helps me to put into context my personal struggles to play each role to the best of my ability, and not to hate myself if some of my roles seem to be in conflict. Anyway...

Decimus Wild
08/19/04 09:30 AM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Decimus Wild]Reply to this post

Hello readers of this thread

Decimus speaking - I happened to come across this site today looking for something else. It is now three years since I posted my first message here...

I have taken an excellent anti-depressant since just after posting the message. The depression was a true and real problem, and now it has gone. When I wake up, I wake up. I don't need to search for the reasons, they are there.

Harry "partied his way to freedom", and that is not who I am. Discovering more of who I am, and being real, being authentic, has also made a huge difference to me.

Since that post, huge numbers of things have changed in my life. Through them all has been the motto that my mother gave me when I was ten - "Be Yourself".

The golden thread runs through my heart, and sometimes it is reflected by things outside me. But it always remains. If I cannot see it, it does not mean it is not there, just that I need to remember how to see.

Love to all

08/20/04 06:50 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Decimus Wild]Reply to this post

Would just like to say that Steppenwolf is such an intriguing book! I bought the book a year and a half ago when i was in the midst of a really rough time. Just moved away from home for the first time, started uni...all utterely terrifying and everything else was falling apart around me. I'd never even heard of this book or Hemann Hesse before. Just read the back of the book and thought it was for me..considering my frame of mind at the time.In some ways i thought it really was an uplifting book.I don't feel so insignificant now!
Anyway to get to my point....eventually, I was just wondering if anyone had over heard of the musician Nick Drake? If not he is defintely worth checking out. His last album was released in '72....11 years before i was even born...but I am a huge fan.I was reading his biography and while i was reading it i just thought to myself....my god,he really is the definitive steppenwolf! Unfortunately he died at only 27 years of age but i strongly recommend checking him out. His songs really are poetry and he has such a beautiful voice. If you enjoyed steppenwolf, i think Nick Drake would appeal to you just as much!

Anyway, cheerio!

This is a really cool forum!

09/15/04 08:37 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I have the answer to your question, when you asked: does not part of us want to believe that something can transcend this cerebral, logical world of ours? yes, that is why we have religion, we are scared and feel the need of some kind of supreme being who can protect us , and it is too hard to just accept that we are who we are because of an evolution process that took billions of years and not because of a snap of fingers or a miracle. That is why we turn to faith, and a God. Just an opinion.

09/16/04 03:20 PM
Re: It isn't for everybody, only for madmen new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I have a lot of hope you know , oopss i just lost it .no no i got it i still have it .i just lost it again , oh well .who cares .
Those of you who said to have the answer to such a great question yes to those .I respect Hesse and all of his philosophies but let me remind you that all of our answers are within ourselves ladies and gentleman.Yes it is true that there are religions out there but do not forget that when man created those religions man was a lttle bit rusty compared to today's man Look within yourselves the history of the world has already been completed . Religion is a thing of the past you are the next religion you and only you know what is next .Read books an learn but only follow those leaderships as long as you have to .When our are done you'll be carved out of wood and god knows where.Dont let the ones that have all the answers pull you down , if you are here reading this it mean you have the "mark" and you are already on your way to become an enlightened.( i'd like to thank the academy)

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