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04/14/02 04:14 PM
siddhartha Reply to this post

what are your favorite quotes from the book

04/16/02 04:03 PM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

To press towards the Self, towards Atman-was there another way that was worth seeking? Nobody showed the way, nobody knew it-neither his father, nor the teachers and wise men, nor the holy songs. The Brahmins and their holy books knew everythingŸthe creation of the world, the origin of speech, food, inhalation, exhalation, the arrangement of the senses, the acts of the gods. They knew a tremendous number of things-but was it worth while knowing all these things if they did not know the one important thing, the only important thing?Ÿwhere were the Brahmins, the priests, the wise men, who were successful not only in having this most profound knowledge [of Atman], but in experiencing it?ŸOne must find the source within one's own Self, one must possess it. Everything else was seeking-a detour, error. (6-7)

05/29/02 05:33 PM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

It wasn't a quote, but an event in the story that not only meant a lot to me personally, but underscores the idea that a book such as this has many meanings to a person as they go through life (should be re-re-re-read!). When Siddartha became disappointed in what his son had become, he finally realized what he had done to his father and how much his father must have grieved. Having a son of 16 has made this especially meaningful. A similar thing happend years ago when I read Demian.

06/09/02 08:22 AM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

There is nothing in this book that should be read as an individual truth (unless you already know the whole truth).

08/07/02 01:26 PM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I agree completely with you. I read it a first time 2 years ago (i'm no 23) and i read it 2 days ago. Now i completely understand (and felt) every sentence of this book. IT IS THE TRUTH. And you can only get this truth if you feel it.

09/25/02 03:25 AM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I read this book the first time when I was 14 and the second when I was 17 and I felt the difference.I think that you have to grow up to read this book and to understand its sense.

10/23/02 05:58 PM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I love Siddhartha I dont have a favorite quote from the book the whole thing was my favorite. I just finished readin the book today(10-22-02) and I am 12. I found the book very interesting and am recently chewing through Jonathan Livingston Seagull. And I LOVE IT!!!

10/24/02 04:06 PM
Re: siddhartha [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I'm 15, close to 16, and I have to read the book for english class...I'm not one of those big, philosophical people...anyone think this book will be interesting for me? Incase any of you have read these, we have already read Jonathan Livingston Seagull and The Tao of Pooh...The Tao of Pooh wasn't bad, I sort of enjoyed it, but JLS was awful, just to give you a hint of how I felt on these types of books...

BTW-I'm not saying JLS is an awful book or that it was poorly written, but that just for me it was hard to keep my focus on the book.

11/15/02 10:49 PM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

i am experiencig the same thing and find the father son experience so hurtful . i am trying to figure out what i did or did not do to my son . i am glad to know that someone else feels the same

R. Raman Nair
11/20/02 04:25 AM
Re: siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Wisdom is not communcable. The wisdom which a wise man tries to communicate always soud foolish

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