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11/19/02 10:49 PM
thanks to Hesse Reply to this post

Steppenwolf, Siddharthar, Demian, these are my favorite books.(Now I'm reading Glass bead game.)
In these books, Hesse sharpely seeked for the life.

It should be easy to live finding, judging and thinking the truth only from the actual world. But the world doesn„ft consist of the actuality only the eyes can see. There must be the important meaning also in the world the eyes can not see. Hesse searched for the truth without distinguishing between both worlds.

He expressed it reflecting his own anguish as a human, love and dream (beauty) and it gained eternal existence as the great art. However, he is not a teacher or a missionary. His book doesn't teach us what is the definite answer. After all we have to look for something by ourselves and live our own lives. On that, it is happy to know there are some people who think the same.

I don't think that all the members who come to this site are so, but I think that some persons who have interests in above-mentioned works and author himself,too are similar. I felt that I could meet a few brothers whom I could never meet if there was not an Internet, while living in the same earth.

thanks. asianrecord@yahoo.co.jp

11/21/02 03:46 PM
Re: thanks to Hesse new [re: flr]Reply to this post

I think you should read Narcissus and Goldmund. It is one of the best books by Hesse and it's largely mind-transforming.

11/23/02 09:16 PM
Re: thanks to Hesse new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

I have read "Narcissus and Goldmund" before.„@However, I could not get a deep impression from this book. The subject of this book "live in the mind and the idea and live in the nature and the love ", which are the essential and relative elements of people„fs spirit, itself is very attractive. But I was disappointed that he made that subject conclude concisely with the simple way of preparing two extreme, individual people and making them play each role. I think this book is harmonized beautifully as the novel and easy to read but felt that it doesn„ft have the importance as much as making us think of something actually, not only reading. I can say I like it but others are far more attractive for me.
(Sorry, my English is very bad.)

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