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10/12/04 01:36 PM
Notes of a literary historian Reply to this post

Hesse p. 89: "In the way Plinio thinks, I find something which I cannot answer with just a *no*, he awakes inside me a voice often very inclined to agree with him."-- We may admit that Nietzsche and Marx were maleficent, but, in no way are we able to deny them philosophically by just a strawman (sophism). They had certain knowledge and, in the name of science, we are not allowed to deny the quantity of knowledge they possessed. We may learn from Marx and from Hitler as much as we learned from Hayek and Dewey. If pecunia non olent, then information has no odor. It is true, it can be abused, but in no way can it be ignored by aware persons.

p. 100: "Your duty is to show how life bound to nature, naive life, lacking the education from spirit, it transforms itself in a swamp, by way of neccessity leading therefore to animality and even lower." -- Hippy movement, Osho Rajneesh, more or less Krishnamurti, and probably Waldorf schools too, by the hypocritical attention they show to spirit -- in a few words the crisis of values which European civilization now lives being the result of the educative ideals from fifty years ago.

p. 103: "Faust himself, he is the prototype of genial dilletantism and of its tragic" -- The tragic of the genial dilletant, maybe exactly such a thing tries Hesse to defend in order to guard it (dilletantism). He sees the systematization of spiritual activity as a greater danger than the inherent troubls of science left to the adiministration of arrivists and careerists, who eventually extract their substance from the genial dilletant, for he alone proves shinnings of authentic comprehension.

Metaphors over spiritual (i.e. intellectual) fertility in the Bible: sown seed in baren... fertile earth; margaritas ante porcos; new and old things from a merchant... kingdom of heaven; Jesus' claim to lay open mysteries hidden from the beginning of the world (or planet); argument of Gamaliel (measure of knowledge quality, therefore implies cultural annihilation attempt -- such a phenomenon pertains to collective mental and it is manifest in genocides); happy are those poor in spirit (i.e. purity of knowledge, accompanied with material adversities in intellectual pursuits); many called few elected (quantity of intellectuals and quantity of theorists); the whole book Ecclesiastes is the best propaganda manual ever (Preacher means Propagandist) -- in many aspects: true claims, nice images, efficiency in effecting on state of fact (human nature, both individual and collective).

In the old children game "phone without wire" the degradation of information due to transmission becomes evident; if we apply Shannon's considerents on historical transmission of knowledge, then we have an image of degradation of tradition; therefore we expect, as Gadamer already noticed, that tradition is simply the stock of successful innovations, therefore society needs input of new qualitative insights (added intellectual value), otherwise the intellectual collective condition deteriorates, which we expect it becomes manifest in general decay and even in decline in economical efficiency, to say the least. The most striking example of such a situation is the current Dutch disscussion on norms and values, Hegel, who was once the guide of the Dutch elite, he would say: since ideology (i.e. Christianity) is lost, therefore norms and values are lost. Balkenende fights and already lost fight. We guess that people who boast tradition are unable to produce tradition.

You see, the very Christian teaching becomes the delegitimation basis of boasted Christian policy. Therefore such a turn of times it is maleficent. But, we at the same time notice that it is necessary. Necessary evil is not a new idea. For example, king David had to choose between three evils and he chose the least evil.

All the advances of the West were due to peculiar economic, political, social, psychological, ideological and international conditions which (most of them) no longer hold. We assist at the bankruptcy of the Enlightenment. Enlightement-inspired way of life is no longer efficient and soon it will become ineffective.

Hobbes coined the tyrany of the mass as Leviathan. We presume leviathanity is an enduring presence inside humankind, and the only worth problem is choosing between Leviathans. Von Neumann said "don't go for highest gain, but for least loss, that is rational". We notice that the present crisis is the fight between tiny Leviathans seeking to replace the old one. Therefore wise would be to choose the least Leviathan of them.

But, what is the basis of such judgments? According to Leo Strauss, the classics possessed an occult science. But, how can we prove it?


Answer to Postmodernism

èAm I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?î
Galatians 4:16

Postmodernism denies the existence of truth; therefore, it cannot be true!

The fact that I comment on such things does not make me the enemy of this civilization. Quite on the contrary, free speech had its ground in the common search for truth. Truth, at least while this civilization believed in such a concept, it was seen as useful, despite its èfangsî, despite it behaving nastily. He who puts the light under the bushel, he is the enemy of this civilization, not he who unmasks its mistakes.

What do you think is the impact of hackers on Microsoftçs Windows(R),tm? When a hacker makes public an exploit, Microsoft trembles and its programmers curse their own days. But, in the end, the result of such publishing is a far better product (via Windows Update). So, Microsoft has short term damage from it, and a middle term gain from it.

We have a problem and we want to solve it. In order to approach it, we have at hand two explanations, one which has 9% truth (expl1) and one which has 5% truth (expl2).

The explanations will lead to different solutions; we write: expli -> soli , where i=1 or 2.

We will write then sol1>sol2, meaning that sol1 is more efficient than sol2. (This is, superior to it). We understand long-term efficiency, for a Pyrrhic victory is not quite a solution.

The premise of our judgments is Acts 5:34-39, which takes over an Aristotleçs argument (ontical-ontological efficiency of truth).

We admit that the solutions are chi-square distributions (time on x-axis and efficiency on y-axis).

The length of such distributions (i.e., g95) will be the greater as the quantity of truth is greater.

It results that from seeking immediate efficiency it follows long-term failure. We write: 0% truth = null efficiency. Doing nothing has null efficiency. This means immediate vanishing (passing in potential) ú matter itself has a percentage truth in it, for breathing, particles moving around the nucleus, etc., they follow some laws which they understand as true. The purpose of nihilism is universal annihilation. Therefore, nihilism tends toward 0% truth. It is more truth in a glass of water than in a treatise of mathematics.

We speak of added truths and added lies. In Marx, the added truth was the take over of some theses of Christ, rendering them explicitly (see Kautskyçs interpretation). Marx repeated Christçs story, but upside down.

From added truth it followed the political advantage of the communist movement (also, Marx largely appealed to envy), and from the added lie, it followed the bankruptcy of East-European countries. (By èaddedî I mean relative originality.) Marxçs added truth was the critique of inhuman conditions; his added lie was turning oneçs back to God, (set forth as social ideology).

In Hitler, added truth was the propagation of Nietzscheçs critique of small bourgeois mentality and the added lie was the presentation of Jews as scapegoats. Hitler winning the elections was due to added truth (comparative advantage in respect to concurrent parties -- also, the lie he added stimulated votersç prejudices, which felt their egos flattered and they voted for him -- in Goebbelsç propaganda technology was a lot of added truth, but it was kept for the elite and not offered to the masses).

We have for 0% truth null efficiency and for 100% truth we have infinite efficiency. t(0)=0 and t(1)=+infinite. The simplest function of such a form is:

t(x)=t0*x/(1-x), wherein t0 is a temporal constant which we compute below.

We notice: t(50%)=t0. Interpretation: to know 1/2 of what God knows means to be half-god. The Devil knows all what can be known (Ezekiel 28:3), that is why he can oppose himself to God with such success.

The heroes of antique Greece we guess they were the offspring of Godçs Sons (Genesis 6:2) with the daughters of men, the Sons of God being gods (1 Corinthians 8:5).

The heroic epoch is the mythical epoch, also known as the golden age of humankind. If we compute the time since mançs creation (sixth day) and we take for it 1.8 millions years (according to M. Harris in Culture, People, Nature. An Introduction to General Anthropology, 7th ed., Longman, 1997, p.35, so approximately 2 million years) from the apparition of archaic Homo sapiens till the end of the golden age, then we have:

t0=(approximately) 2*10^6 years

If we compute the lifetime of Christianity of about two thousand years (since propagation till becoming a sixth hand power in the West, but maybe it did not reach insignificance) then we have:

t(xBible)=2000 years


xBible=(approximately) 10^-3=0.1% truth

It follows that the exoteric truth of the Bible reveals 0.1% of what God knows (as knowledge quality).

Or, the tradition says that the Bible contains an enormous quantity of knowledge. This tradition was the most efficient political construct of the actual West, so it follows that therein something is true, that is: Bible tells the truth. (Circularity is here hermeneutical.)

It follows the conclusion: the Bible is encrypted. Therefore, for anyone who wishes knowledge, esoterism is a must. (Hebrews 11:1 affirms this: Christianity is an occult teaching ú èhidden thingsî are occult!)

Tudor Georgescu


P.S.: We did not define here what is truth, but we offered an intuitive model of it. It follows, to compute t(x) function of x, it is just pure subjectivity. It follows, we will compute x function of t(x), i.e.:


(See Dan A. Lazarescuçs affirmation: èHistory is a vast retrospective social laboratoryî.)

Micro-macro transition:

Collective efficiency is: t(x);

Individual efficiency is function of:

- social truth (as available in the collective mental), i.e. x;

- the correctitude of its communication (participation in the collective mental)

ú we write: yi=zi * x, wherein yi is the individual truth and zi is the individual participation degree (what is then the collective participation degree? Ê is it some kind of Paretoçs alpha?);

- its degree of getting applied (arduousness):
yi -> mi, wherein mi is the expected result, of the person having the information yi, yi -> ri, wherein ri is the real result,

There are two ways of computing mi and ri, i.e. absolute and relative Ê absolute means very long term results and relative means the value of the result as seen by his/her contemporaries. In both of them, mi and ri can have negative values. Then arduosity is: ai=ri/mi.

Arduousness may have negative values, function of the individual being against or for societyçs ideals. Societyçs ideals they can be better or worse. Truth does not guarantee doing the good, but only efficiency of oneçs doing.

It is also important that the social truth be renewed, so it is needed a flow of added truth, otherwise added thinking errors will damage society.

When societies feel their chi-square histogram is about to diminish, terrible things happen (e.g. Inquisition, Islamic state and the actual world tragic-comedy meant to support the Washington consensus.)

I realize this is more of a knowledge quality theory, as different from Shannonçs theory of quantity of information.

So, now we can say with the Zohar:

èWoe to the human being who says that Torah presents mere stories and ordinary words! All the words of Torah are sublime words, sublime secrets....The stories of Torah are only the garment of Torah. Whoever thinks that the garment is the real Torah and not something else -- may his spirit deflate! He will have no portion in the world that is coming.î

(Zohar 3:152a, apud the Yahoo! message of Donmeh West of Sunday 04-18-2004 00:15).

===end quote===

That's how it is proven! No further comments.

Yours sincerley,

Plinius Ziegenhalss

P.S. pagenumbers refer to Ion Roman's Romanian translation of 1969 of Hesse's Das Glassperlenspiel of 1963.

Edited by tgeorgescu on 10/12/04 01:46 PM.

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