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07/07/04 03:50 PM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: lara khalidi]Reply to this post

i think siddhartha is more universal ,it is the story of the self which varies from each self, in it there is refusal for the absolute and the elleged truth that is laid upon us by the outside, it is indeed the experiance of a journey inside the self to find the only self that you can truly understand and that is your self.

----Ok this makes no sense whatsoever. I am a born again christian, and I just came onto this site because a good friend of mine is sucked into these books. I am wondering just what Herman Hesse followed.. Did he follow Christ? From reading just facts about his life and parts of his books online, I see that he is definately on the broad path- leading away from the truth. There is only one truth. Many people miss that. I think many people like to add to that truth and make it more complex because it "feels better"

Its sad really.

(stranger )
07/08/04 06:52 AM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Actually, what's sad is your willingness to judge, especially as a born-again Christian. Go back and read your scripture (as original as you can get, rather than later, interpreted versions that are so common in modern churches) and develop your own truth. That would be respectful and going in the direction that Hesse suggests. Regardless of your God, even the Dalai Lama realizes the importance of individual truths, which I believe to be the source of Hesse's interest in the subject of Siddhartha.

Yet again, I find it's important to refer to a famous quote of Hesse's:

"I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teachings my blood whispers to me." \

My best,


07/17/04 05:23 AM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: rosemez]Reply to this post

AHHH: I agree whole heartedly with Rose--please reread your scripture where it tells you though shalt not judge! Just as a side-note: Hesse's parents were Christian Misionnaries and dragged him around as a child "preaching the word" to unbelievers. Maybe he was as turned off by this form of religion and seeking a greater truth--via Eastern thought; similiar to how your attempting to preach to us about your "Born Again" Christian Faith and turning us all off as well.

08/11/04 11:40 AM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post


09/02/04 03:00 PM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

hes a fucktard

09/02/04 03:01 PM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

i want to seman on ur face

09/02/04 04:13 PM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

Read the book and you'll get your answer...

09/02/04 04:17 PM
Re: Siddhartha new [re: Anonymous]Reply to this post

This is an absolutely false assumption. Hesse makes it very clear that Siddharata is NOT Buddha, but someone who seeks Buddha to obtain further enlightenment. He does meet up with him only to be disappointed in the short-term. Later he realizes that he has completely missed the points made by Buddha.

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