Hermann Hesse
Torre Camuzzi
Museo Hermann Hesse
CH-6926 Montagnola
April 9, 1999Programm des Museums
Mai - Oktober 1999
At the fireplace of the museum, 1998Click here for the details of the museum's program
for the remainder of 1999
Click here for a virtual tour of Torre Camuzzi meseum
Source: Ursula Michels-Wenz
November 18, 1998
****Hermann Hesse Museum News
Das Hermann Hesse - Museum in Montagnola ist bis zum Frühjahr 1999 am Samstag und Sonntag von 10 bis 12.30 Uhr und von 14 bis 18.30 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung, Tel. (091) 993 37 70/71, geöffnet. Während der Sommermonate ist das Museum täglich zugänglich.Am Sonntagnachmittag findet jeweils um 17 Uhr (im Winter im Kinozimmer, im Sommer im Innenhof des Museums) eine Lesung aus Hesses Werken statt.
Until Spring 1999, the museum will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and from 2 until 6:30 p.m. Arrangements for additional hours can be made by calling (091) 993 3770 or 71. During the summer the museum opens daily. On Sunday afternoons at 5 p.m. the museum offers readings from Hesse's works. These will take place in the media room during the winter, and in the courtyard of the museum during the summer.
Source: Tessiner Zeitung, 18. November 1998
October 16, 1997
Letter from Ambrogio Pellegrini, the President of the Society of Friends of the The Museum Herrmann Hesse:
(The information package which contained this letter reached us in California via surface mail and not until the end of November)
- The Museum will show in its movie theater the film "Ein langer Sommer" (50 min) of Werner Weick in German and Italian
- The Museum is open only on weekends from Nov. 1, 1997 until March 1998. Special arrangements can be made for groups, however.
- Group tickets are SF 3.- per individual. Ask for information about guided tours.
- In 1998 there will be events associated with the topics of "Siddhartha", and Buddhism in general. The exact schedule will be available at the beginning of the year.
- Please direct inquiries to the Museum. Tel. +41.91.993.3770 or 71 - Fax: +41.91.993.3772
For historical reference: July 2, 1997Invitation to the Opening of the only Hermann Hesse Museum in Switzerland at the Torre Camuzzi, Casa Camuzzi, Montagnola in Ticino.
The Opening Welcome, in honor of the 120th birthday of the poet, will take place at 6 the auditorium "Aula Magna", Schoolhouse, Piazza Brocchi, Montagnola.
Welcoming Speeches
Ambrogio Pellegrini,
President of the Association of Friends of the Museum Hermann Hesse
Hon. Giuseppe Buffi
President of the Privy Council of the Government of the Canton of Ticino
Karin Adrian von Roques
Director of the Hermann Hesse Museum
Prof. Mauro Brocchi
Mayor of Montagnola
Dr. Herbert Karl
Head Mayor of Calw, Germany
Bruno Hesse
Heiner Hesse
Isa Hesse-RabinovitchPanel Discussion "The Relevance of Hermann Hesse Today"
Volker Michels
Hermann Hesse Editions Archive, Offenbach
Countess Flora von Spreti
Art Therapist, University Clinic, Munich
Christian Kellersmann, M.D.,Ph.D.
Philosopher and Medical Doctor, Bonn
Dipl. Ing. Harald Lüderetz
District Mayor a.D. of the municipality of Pankow, formerly in East Berlin
Prof. Eva Banchelli
Germanist at the University of Bergamo
Translator of the works of Hermann Hesse into Italian
Prof. Günther Gottschalk
University of California, Santa Barbara
Giuseppe Curonici
Director of the State Library (Biblioteca Cantonale) Lugano
Dion Schweitzer
Student, Berlin
Nathaly Jacoby
Doctoral Candidate, Germanistics, University of Freiburg
At approximately 7:30 p.m. at the Torre Camuzzi, Casa Camuzzi, Ra Cürta, Montagnola, young international students from the TASIS School in Montagnola extend a welcome to Heiner and Bruno Hesse in their native languages.
Official opening of the Hermann Hesse Museum by Bruno Hesse and Heiner Hesse
Revised on April 9, 1999 using Netscape
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