Adolph Kurt Böhm was born in Norther Bavaria in 1926. In 1933
his family fled from Nazi Germany and settled in Paris. Böhm’s musical
education on the piano commenced under Bernadette Alexandre Georges, Maurice
Ravel’s friend, and was advanced to a career as professional concert pianistby
the rigorous training of the Hungarian virtuoso pianist Gyorgy Cziffra.
In 1994 Böhm honored his friend Cziffra in a book entitled Hommage.
Böhm has been giving numerous concerts in Germany, in most European countries and in Japan, always accompanying outstanding singers who sang the Lieder he had composed.. Böhm set to music more than 350 poems by Verlaine, Eichendorff, Storm, Droste-Hülshoff, Heine, Hesse, and others. His compositions have been distributed through records and CDs. Gerlad Morre was one of many persons who admired Böhm’s compositions. In 1992, on the thirtieth anniversary of Hermann Hesse’s death, Hesse’s life was commemorated by Böhm’s compositions of the poet’s verses, offered in concerts all over Germany, sung by Andreas Reibenspies and accompanied by Böhm. Böhm has accompanied singers of distinction such as Ingeborg Hallstein, Hanno Blaschke, Karl-Heinz Lippe, Keith Engen, and Alexandra Petersamer, as well as cellist Julius Berger and violinist Angelika Lichtenstern. Savonarola, Böhm’s first musical drama for soloists, chorus, and orchestra, with text by Birgitta Wolf, enjoyed a standing ovation premiere on October 22, 1995. |